Sunday, December 18, 2005

When It Rains It Pours

Saturday, 12/10/05.

I'm in DC Metro (subway) waiting for a connecting train to take me home after a horrifying trip to the Mall (Pentagon City) for xmas gifts. 'Tis the only time I go to a Mall. If there wasn't one on a metro stop, I would never go. The trip took all my strength. I fatigue so easily these days. I'm waiting and this pain hits me hard. Not the first time for this particular problem but by far the worse pain to date. It's my "tooth", whats left of it. The filling had been chipping away for months. No insurance so ignore it, correct? I squat down and put my face in my hands, squeezing my head. The pain travels to my temple. It's intense and I have no pain killers on me. I wonder if I should go out and grab a cab, maybe it will be quicker? But I can't remember what station I'm in. I can't think straight. The pain plus fatigue won't allow it. I read the sign: Gallery Place/ChinaTown. Might as well wait the 5 more minutes. I'm only a few stops away and then it's a 3 block walk to our Apt.

I get home and we have Company. Dani's friend & co-worker Courtney. Dani looks at me and asks "Whats wrong?". She can read my mind. I also have a very expressive face. I tell her and pop 2 Tylenol. I go into my Backpack 1st aid kit and pull out my Anbesol. Coat a Q-Tip and shove it in to the hole in my tooth. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Sweet instant numbing relief.

Dani goes into action immediately. We have to take care of this now. She suggests the ER but I'm thinking they'll just pull it. I convince her, sort of, that I can wait until Monday and go to a dentist, if she thinks we can afford it? She says "don't worry about money".

We are both worried.

At this point, my funds are gone. I'm jobless, hoping to get disability from SS. Although she says it's our money, and I completly believe her sincerity, I feel guilty. Up until November, I was pretty well off. I was flinging money around, always generous. As was She. Now I'm broke but We are not. Still, it hurts. And I know we are hurting.

Anyway, Dani does some research and comes up with 5 dentists for me to call on Monday.

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